I was in the same room as my old boyfriend Tony on Thanksgiving day, a mere one table over, and missed him completely. The next day a friend clued me in that Tony had been there with his wife. Dang! We live just 20 minutes apart and had both driven over 100 miles to be in that same room Thanksgiving day and failed to find each other. Just two ships passing in the night. Sigh.
Tony was the first boy I was sweet on. I can't say that I was in love with him because I was just five years old at the time. He was in my first grade class and I thought he was cool. He was the only boy I deemed worthy enough to invite to my sixth birthday party. He knew he was going to be the only boy there among seven little girls and he came anyway. That alone tells you what a sweetie he was.
Here we are at the party. Aren't we cute????? My sister boofed my hair for the occasion.
After first grade we went to separate schools but were in the same Junior High and High School until we graduated. But alas, by 7th grade our paths were divergent and would not cross again. Tony was a young JFK, a member of everything and president of most, loved by the teachers, and destined for great things. I hung out with the stoners. Tony went on to become a lawyer and run for Congress. I...um...did not.But Tony remained near and dear to my heart all those years, even after I was married. You see he gave me a very special present on my sixth birthday; one I cherished for years and years. It was a white teddybear-looking cat with pink ears. I named him Bear because I already had a real cat. That's Bear in his box at the bottom of the photo.
Bear had a hard plastic nose and whiskers which fell off almost immediately. The poor thing had only a glue smudge for a nose for the rest of its life. I loved all his fuzz off and a good bit of the stuffing fell out of a hole in his arm. Mom sewed up Bear many times trying to keep him alive.
I'm not and never was a big stuffed animal fan. I thought hugging around on stuffed animals was rather silly even when I was a little kid. I had a live cat to hug on so stuffed animals didn't do much for me. But Bear was different. I loved him special just because Tony had given him to me.
When I left for college I packed Bear away in Mom's attic in my box of special treasures. He was one of my few childhood possessions that made the cut. Everything else got trashed because I was now a "grown-up."
I found Bear a decade later cleaning out the attic. He had become hard and crunchy from the heat. I grieved to part with him but he had become a fire hazard and had to go. I silently asked Tony's forgiveness for throwing away his gift when I tossed Bear in the trash bag.
I miss Bear.
Tony not so much.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Old Boyfriends, Old Memories
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Wonderful! What is IN that Arkansas water?!
Sweet. and what a great picture! I loved the story of Bear. ("but he had become a fire hazard" ... haha!) It actually did make me sad, though. I have always been a very big stuffed animal fan. They are too alive! I actually sleep with a stuffed animal. Yes, at my age. Bed Bear, the Polar Bear. Hey, he's cuddly, doesn't care if I shave my legs, and he's a great listener. Works for me.
And hey, are you sure that's not Leave It to Beaver in the photo with you?!
Hat - um, heavy metals, fish poo, a few radioactive particulates maybe. (Big ol' grin)
Cowbell - And I'll bet Red Bear doesn't drink all your beer or put his feet on your coffeetable either. The perfect bear.
Yes, Tony does bear a striking resemblence to the Beav. I never noticed that before. He did get braces for that crooked smile.
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