I've just returned from an eight-day stay with my sissy Nana. We worked like dogs getting the nursery ready for the triplets, a.k.a Tres Butterbean. That included lots and lots and lots of heavy furniture moving, box packing, storage unit rearranging and painting. I hurt in places I didn't know I had. I don't normally have knee problems, but after climbing her insanely steep stairs about a hundred gazillion times carrying heavy loads, both knees are screaming. I heard (and felt) a sickeningly loud pop from the right one on Sunday, left one on Monday. Right shoulder and lower back are screaming as well. The lower back thing may be from sleeping on a rock hard trundle bed though. A visit to the chiropractor may be imminent.Since I was the younger and presumably more nimble sissy (ha!) I got the privilege of climbing the extension ladder 14 feet in the air and painting the vaulted ceiling wall. Oh joy. I HATE climbing extension ladders. They are too wobbly for my comfort level. I have a fear of tumping over backwards on the damned things no matter how far out the legs are planted. Climbing up on them is no circus either. I looked like some kind of mutilated frog trying to get up the rungs because I kept my body as close to the ladder as possible and splayed out my knees. Humm...that may be why the ol' knees are screaming. I took one step, then reminded myself to breathe. Another slow step; breathe, breathe, breathe. I found I held my breath due to fear and it's never a good thing to turn blue at the top of an extension ladder. I managed to get the vaulted part painted, not once, but twice. I was never so happy as when we plopped the extension ladder back on its pegs in the garage. Good riddance.
The new pale yellow paint job in the nursery looks mighty fine, if I do say so myself. Nana and I are meticulously picky about our painting efforts and I think we are better than a lot of professional painters. Yeah, (pats self on back) we do good work. Nana and I are the two mentally deranged people in this universe for whom painting is a joy. At the moment the paint can is opened all becomes right with the world and serenity reigns. We get that wide, glassy-eyed look as we dip and stroke, dip and stroke; Zen meditation with a paintbrush. Of course it may be the paint fumes talkin' but we are two very happy happy paintheads.
After painting came crib assembly. We were both dreading this thinking it would take over an hour for each crib. The last time either one of us assembled a crib there were hundreds of little screws, nuts, washers, and odd metal pieces requiring many different tools and such. There are always the few leftover bits that don't seem to fit anywhere and that's always worrisome. The new, improved 21st century cribs have exactly seven parts: four sides, two bottom rails and a bottom. No tools required for assembly. They snapped together in four minutes. We know because we timed it. All three cribs were finished and in place in under thirty minutes. Awesome.
Looking down the list of googahs for the nursery it occurred to me that 21st century babies require a lot of stuff. I understand the truckload of diapers, jammies, bibs and blankies, that's not what I'm talking about here. Whooda thunk it that a wipey warmer was a critical accessory? There is also a big horseshoe pillow thingy and a couple of other gizmos I never did figure out. Did ya know that there are now contoured changing table pads? What, the kid can't lay flat for the minute and a half it takes to wipe and re-diaper a hiney? Oh, talcum powder is now a no-no. Maybe all that talcum I inhaled as an infant warped my brain. I guess it's possible.
Anyway, with just a load or two of laundry to fluff up all the sheets and blankies, the nursery is ready for the babies. Butterbean Mom is now at exactly six months to the day. She looks about six months pregnant even though she is carrying triplets. No problems so far. Doctors are thrilled and amazed. Babies are estimated to be about two pounds each and are perking along wonderfully. The last ultrasound confirmed they are all little girls. Names have not been decided, but current thoughts are to go with an A, B, C naming scheme. We jokingly refer to them now as Almondine, Butterbean, and Collard Greens.Collard Greens is gonna be my special object of attentive spoilage. We have already decided she will be the free spirit of the bunch. While A and B are wearing pink ruffley stuff and singing Itsy Bitsy Spider, C.G. will be decked out in tie-dye and playing Led Zeppelin on guitar. Yep, it's already been decided.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Baby Spaces
Sticky things:
Rock n Roll
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I don't think I've heard the word "tumping" in over 30 years. But I liked it.
Wipey warmers? Contoured changing tables? My brother and I got changed in the back seat of a car hurtling 70 mph on the way to granny's house for crying out loud.
These kids nowadays are wayyy too pampered.
Yep. Collard Green is my favorite too.
Well you certainly SHOULD be patting yourself on the back. Just don't do it whilst atop a ladder. no no no.
I'm going to knit a wee baby rockstar mullet for CG.
Oh crap...I don't know how to knit.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time even with the ladder thing happening. I had a bathinette (?spelling)for my 3rd baby...that was a pretty whizband contraption at the time.....had to drag it to the back door to empty it. I guess with 3 darlings coming any gadget will help.
Ack! I am not crazy about ladders either. I really need to paint most of my house. But don't want to. Maybe once spring fever hits.
That is so exciting, although I imagine a tad frightening about 3 little bundles.
(haha to Buck)
Sure as hell beats Britney and Ashley and Briana and all those other soap opera names that seemed so in style for a while. What every happened to good old fashioned names like Daisy, Ethel - oh god could you imagine saddling a kid with Ethel in this day and age.
Extension Ladders - sorry they are for high divers and circus acrobats not for a normal human.
And by the way you're a good sister.
Three cheers for the Three Butterbeans. Hope your knees rally from the abuse. When you are feeling better, I need a painter.
Painting doesn't bother me, except for taping and trimming and all that other time consuming stuff that takes away from me using the big-ass roller.
Pepsi withdrawals have prevented me from replying to all you kind folks. Sooo sorry. Here goes:
Buck - Tumping is my new favorite word. I tried to delete it from my vocabulary to mask my Southern past, but what the hey, I yam what I yam.
Buck2 - Until I was five, I stood between my parents in the front seat of the Galaxy 500 because it was safer than sitting between two pinching, older sisters in the back seat. I finally graduated to the rear passenger-side seat when older sister left for college. That seat was directly in the plume of Mom's smoking cigarette. Wouldn't happen these days. Yep, kids are way too pampered.
Hat - Crochet instead?
Rosemary - There's some kind of fancy bathing apparatus on the gift registry. I want to know what's so wrong with the kitchen sink for a bathtub??? Babies have been bathed there for time immortal. And it has a drain. Newfangledy is not necessarily better.
Cowbell - Butterbean mom is still a bit skittish and a little overwhelmed, but is hanging in there. She is more worried about stretch marks than being the mother of three...right now.
Willym - My grandmother's name was Neva. I thought once it was an Ethel equivalent, but ya know, it's growing on me. I like those old fogey names. They fit old fogey ladies who I hope these little girls will one day become. Can you imagine being 75 years old with the name Britney? That doesn't work for me. And thank you, I try to be a good sissy.
KA - Knees have recovered. Will paint for food.
jp - We don't need no stinkin' masking tape. We both cut freehand. Saves wads of time and the result is better. I'm better with a brush. I get paint all over me and everything else with a roller. I made Sissy do all the rolling. She made me cut in all the baseboards so she didn't have to waller around on the floor. We make a good team. If I go paint KA's house, would you be my roller man?
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