
Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's Good to be The King

Mr. Pibb, our tomcat, has declared himself to be Alpha Male of the household, much to the chagrin of Hubby.

Pibb is the only male critter to ever live with us. All our doggies and kitties have been female. Hubby loves living with a bunch of females, his "girls" as he calls us. Yes, I'm included in that. He spoils us all rotten and we love all over him. He eats that up with a fork and spoon. Purrs all around. Hubby likes being king of his harem.

Well, Pibb has thrown down the gauntlet. He has decided he wants to be king and has challenged Hubby's sovereignty over the household.

The first show of dominance was Friday evening. Hubby was laying in bed reading when suddenly he bolted from the bedroom with Pibb at arm's length and a mortified look on his face. He unceremoniously dumped Pibb on the front porch.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" I asked.

"He was humping my leg!!!!" Hubby exclaimed, obviously all meshuganah.

"So what??? Why did you put him outside?"

"I didn't want cat spooge on my ankle."

(gales of laughter)

"Honey, I think Pibb just made you his bitch."

Hubby hung his head dejectedly, and I laughed and pointed. Hubby pouted for the remainder of the evening and Pibb was banished to the great outdoors.

Saturday Hubby was working at his computer. Pibb chirped at him then jumped in his lap. Pibb crawled on his shoulders, walked along the back of the chair, then started biting Hubby on the ear. Hubby interpreted this behavior as "Pet me NOW dammit!" so he got Pibb into his lap and started petting him. Pibb wriggled free down on the floor. Then Pibb repeated the same lap, shoulders, back, ear biting sequence. Hubby stood up and Pibb jumped into the chair and curled up for a nap. He didn't want pets, he wanted the chair.

Hubby looked down at Pibb just speechless. He couldn't believe he had just been reamed by a cat. He had that same mortified, pouting look. I once again laughed and pointed. Hubby hung his head and sulked off to retrieve a wooden dining table chair.

Hubby worked in that hard chair for the remainder of the afternoon while Pibb slept in the plush, ergonomically-designed computer chair. Much teasing and laughing ensued with Hubby looking gloomier and gloomier.

So this afternoon Hubby declared we were going shopping.

"Shopping??? For what???"

"A new office chair."

Now there are three chairs in our office: Mine, Hubby's and Pibb's.

Tonight Hubby looked down at Pibb napping in his old chair and said, "I hope you're happy now you damned cat."

Pibb just chirped and stretched, turned belly up, and poked his little pink tomcatness out at Hubby.

Yep, it's good to be the king.


Kimberly Ann said...

LOL. You know, a little snip snip would make Pibb a little less interested in dominance. Although, come to think of it, our male cat pretty much rules are roost and he was fixed years ago. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Adorable. Poor hubby is totally Pibb's bitch. It's right that you should point and laugh.

Willym said...

That's not nice - laughing and poin... Gufaw... snort... LAUGHING OUT LOUD AND POINTING... Hubby's Pibb's bitch... Hubby's Pibb's bitch

Allan said...

Points, laughs. A lot.

rosemary said...

You know Pibb will eventually want the new chair, right? Have you hinted to hubby about that yet? I'm not pointing or anything...just saying....

Willym said...

How about one of those t-shirts that says: Pibb's Bitch - now that's a thought for father's day.

more cowbell said...

hahaha, Mr. Pibb's bitch -- hilarious!!!

I have a friend who claims cats can be trained. mm-hmmm. I call her the Cat Whisperer. I'm more inclined to believe cats train people. Reference the chair...

more cowbell said...

Maybe spray the new chair with some clove essential oil (diluted). Animals do not like the scent at all.

Anonymous said...

I now feel very badly about my point and laugh comment. Hubby has done nothing to deserve this. Pibb has made bitches of us all. Bad Pibb. What's that? Can of tuna? Okay...(zombie walk to pantry)

Sling said...

We have a female cat.
I have her permission to sit in my own chair..Thank you very much.