
Friday, December 21, 2007

Disembodied Yule Hand Card

My first attempt at making pop-up Christmas cards this year was a complete failure. I ended up with an odd looking disembodied yule hand instead of the elegant card I had originally envisioned.

The boo-boo card seemed to strike a chord, so I set about redesigning the thing. Hallmark probably won't be beating a path to my door, but I thought it came out pretty cool.

This is the straight-on view as the recipient opens the card. The inside greeting and signature are, "The Disembodied Yule Hand wishes you a very surreal holiday season. Very oddly yours, Speck"

It's simple, yet odd, but the photo doesn't show the cool disembodiedness of the hand floating in mid-air.

A little different angle with shadows shows how much the hand pops off the surface of the card.

This effect was created using 3/4" risers in the middle and on each end of the hand. As the card is opened the risers will move to become perpendicular to the hand and to the surface of the card.

The critical part of this card is gluing the risers ABSOLUTELY parallel to each other and to the fold of the card. If they are slightly askew the card won't fold flat (either open or closed) or the hand will tear away from the card. This photo shows the little risers and the multiple facets of the snowflake.

Here you can see (using a little time/action forward imagination) how the whole thing will fold completely flat in the card. The risers push the hand up and away from the main fold of the card as it closes.

I was tooooo pleased with the result. I was doing the Pink Bunny Slipper Happy Dance in my computer nest, waving the card around and making little squeally noises. Hubby was giving me the wary bonkers eye, as in "she's really gone bonkers this time."

I get that a lot.


Kimberly Ann said...

Nothing says Christmas like levitating disembodied hands! It rocks.

Lorraine said...

I love love love my disembodied Yule hand, so much so that, unlike most of my Christmas cards, which get recycled into gift tags for the next year, this one is going to go into the ornament box and come out every year!

rosemary said...

Very a strange disembodied handshake sort of way...

Anonymous said...

Yes, mine will also be a permanent fixture on my mantle come each Yule. And by "mantle" I of coarse mean, "computer desk" as I have no microwave to put it on.
Also, I simply adore that you've been touched by his noodley appendage. Long live FSM!