
Friday, July 25, 2008

Dead Brain Poop: Dog Days of Summer

It is HOT outside. We're in the dog days of summer and my brain is fried. No synapses firing at the moment. All I want to do is lay around under the air conditioning. The cats even look dead.

I have some snippets of junk hanging around in my head that I'll share just to have something to post.

The Best Blog Post Opening Line Ever

This is from Chickiebean in Florida who writes Skittering Thoughts. She's a most irreverent broad (I say that with a great deal of respect and admiration) who lets it all hang out. This line sounds like the opening of a stellar piece of Southern fiction.

"I ditched a pair of panties in the bathroom of the Red Lobster in Fort Smith, Arkansas a couple of days ago."

There's something magical about that combination of words that made me pee my pants with laughter. It should be followed by a story about somebody gittin' run over by a train, going to prison in Oklahoma, or a dead mule.

Cheezburger the Porch Cat

Another stray cat has taken up residence on the front porch. This morning he deposited the gift of a dead squirrel on the doormat. Good Boy! He can hang out as long as he rids the yard of vermin, and I consider squirrels vermin.

I just wish he wouldn't lay right outside the door where I step on him a lot. I nearly broke myself in two the other night when I squished his belly with my foot. He wasn't all that happy either. You would think he would learn by now.

Gratuitous Triplet Picture

One joy of having babies is dressing them in goofy costumes and taking pictures.

Art Project

I was looking for some nice art paper to doodle on, but decided I'm too cheap to pay big bucks for 20 sheets in a sketchbook. I've seen other illustrators drawing on what appear to be pages from a book, so I had a truly tightwad idea.

I went to Goodwill and looked through all the hardbound books until I found one I figured no one would ever buy. It was a book of bad poetry, but the paper was nice and it had lots of whitespace in the margins. I thought it would be good for doodling practice. That's where I draw down-n-dirty with a pen. No pencil sketches, no erasures, no do-overs.

I like drawing this way. I get to experience the sheer joy of putting pen to paper without much thought. The mistakes are sometimes glorious.

Message From a Stranger

I got a message from a faraway stranger yesterday. It was given to me by a stranger, along with my dinner, and I will be compelled to pass it on to a stranger.

I wonder how many times this message has been handed from person to person, unknown to each other, their lives touching for just a brief instant in time, both reading the message and wondering about it?

I wonder how many more strangers will read it and send it on?

There are some weird people out there. I wonder if I'm one of them???

That's about all I have on my mind at the moment. Slim pickings for sure. I ain'ta dead yet, but my brain is.


Br. Jonathan said...

Wow. Even though I'm single and will never make babies, I've babysat aLOT for my nephew while in college.
All I can say is, when I see those babies I cannot imagine the poopie diapers and the SMELL. My God, the smell!

I'm sorry - - I'm a guy.

Sling said...

It's not easy being entertaining when your brain is fried,but you pulled it of wonderfully!
Sending KOOL thoughts your way. :)

more cowbell said...

hahah, I love that opening blog line you quoted. That's a kicker.

sageweb said...

Wow I like our random fried brain thoughts...Love how the sketch ties in with the poem.

more cowbell said...

PS: I forgot to say those babies sure are growing into chubby little balls of healthy happy cuteness. Sweet!

Miss Healthypants said...

I love reading your random thoughts. I also think those babies are adorable!! :)

LostInColor said...

Even your random thoughts are super creative! The sketch/poem book is wonderful, love the idea, love the sketches.

Kimberly Ann said...

Lovin' the babies, lovin' the money message. I'm inspired to procreate and deface some US currency. :-)

booda baby said...

I don't think that's right that you think THOSE are slim pickings. Seems to me you gave us the best parts.

Chickie said...

Heh, glad the blog line tickled you. Doing it was a huge relief to me :)