
Monday, April 9, 2007

Harching up Hairballs

whulka, whulka, whulll.... whulka, whulka, whulll....

Wait on it, there's always three, here it comes, the Big Finish...

whulka, whulka, WHUUUULLLL.....

This is the sound the kitties make as they harch up a hairball in the early morning darkness, somewhere within a ten-foot radius of my head.

Note to self: Watch your step when you get up in the morning.


People ask what I do as a Domestic Goddess. There it is. I clean up whulka, whulka, whulll two or three times a day. Sometimes I don't find it for a day or two, or I miss the third in the series. It is ever so pleasant to find those crusty little surprises behind the furniture.

Sometimes I miss the corporate world. Fewer cleaning products were involved.

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