
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Shootings at Virginia Tech

This afternoon the TV was filled with coverage of the fatal shootings at Virginia Tech. Not much was known at the time about the shooter, his victims, or the reasons why.

What hacked me off to no end was the endless speculation about who was at fault. Commentators blamed campus security personnel, campus security measures, the local police, VT administration, gun control laws, and American culture as a whole. Ack!

Has the American media and public sunk to being a bunch of brainless fingerpointers???

The person at fault was the psycho who pulled the trigger. No one else. Don't rape my ear with any further discussion on the matter.

No amount of notification or prevention measures can stop a nutcase from carrying out his intended task. It just isn't possible. They will always find a way.

A senator from somewhere said that she had introduced a bill to limit gun clip size to 10 rounds. How very pointless that piece of legislation would be. If a nut is determined to kill a bunch of people, he'll just buy TWO clips. Duh!

Since the on-air news media had nothing intelligent to add to my knowledge base, I turned off the tube.

I remember now why I don't watch much television.

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