
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Stay Tuned, More to Come

Today, Wednesday, February 20th, 2008, is my First Blogiversary! What a long, strange trip it's been.

I started this blog primarily to entertain my two sisters. I suppose I have done that and now they realize just how truly weird I am. They only suspected as much, but now there is written evidence to support their claim.

I came late to the blog world. I had no idea what a blog was until sometime in January 2007. I stumbled upon a nest of religious posters in Arkansas and oh, what an interesting group *that* was. Having gotten a bellyful of that craziness pretty quickly, I branched out and started searching for gay blogs.

I knew I would find sanity amongst my gay peeps, as well as a healthy dollop of effervescence, incisive wit, and sheer brilliance regarding the human condition. 'Cause ya know, gay peeps are like that. I first found Red Eric and his blogosphere posse and they did not disappoint. I knew level-headed, right minded thinkers existed out there somewhere, I just had to commune with them on the Internet instead of in real life.

I found other folks too, and oh, what wild and crazy other folks. It never ceases to amaze me what a diverse and wonderful world we live in. The differences between East and West, North and South, male and female, gay and straight, single and married, young and old, button-down and bohemian are awesome. I relish the diversity of ideas and opinions. I learn something new every day and it's all good.

I go back through my archives from time to time re-reading old posts, wondering if any of them are worth keeping. There are a few I am particularly fond of, those that make me think or cry or laugh, and I think, "Yeah, that's a keeper." I just wish I wrote more of those.

I have no idea what this next year will bring or what my odd brain will think up and poop out. I wake up in a new world everyday and view that world differently with every cock of my little head. Life would be so boring if I didn't. So all I can say as I embark on a new year of blogging adventure is, "Stay tuned, more to come."

"An adventure is what you have when you don't have good plans."


gone said...

I have only two words:




tee hee

So happy to know you. What would my life be without you in it now?
(shivers at the thought)

Willym said...

Happy Blogaversary Speck. Only been following your for a few months now but for an introverted old curmudgeon you entertaining, witty and wise. I'd suggest a party but I don't want to catalogue anybody's bug collection.

rosemary said...

Oh Happy, Happy...I'm not as clever as Hat...but picture a kitten...everyone needs a kitten...I'm giving you a kitten for your 'versary. Miaow. Yup, I'm home alone, haven't talked to a human today.

more cowbell said...

whoo-hoo! You and I started about the same time. I've really enjoyed your blog, and as a person, you're a peach. Plus, anyone who loves Crayolas that much has got to be good. Happy 1st year.

Br. Jonathan said...

I'm so glad I found your blog. It's definitely one of my favorites and I get a little thrill every time there's a new post.

You've made me a happy peep.

Happy blogoversary!

Speck said...

Hat - Woo Hoo! Sparkly things! Princess Sparkletoes loves sparkly things! You are such a sweetie!

Willym - Hahahaha! No bug collections, I promise. Y'all go right on ahead and have a delightful party. Send me a commemorative tootie horn and a detailed recap of same. I would enjoy that immensely.

Rosie - I love kitties! They are so precio....Ow! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Little Bit has some sharp claws there. And I'm so sending you a snowplow for your birthday.

Cowbell - Thank you very much. Wanna come color at my house? I have a big box of crayon crack with the sharpener in the back. I'll share.

Buck - (salacious smirk) Hey mister, come over here. I'll give ya a little thrill.... Oops, wait a minute, nevermind. Hugs to my peep brother who has my eyes tumpin' over horny toads in the bar ditch by the tank with the whonky smell. <---said with a drawl.

Sling said...

Happy,happy blogoversary Speck!

Kimberly Ann said...

A big cyber hug for you and a steaming bowl of russian stew. Happy Blogaversary to a mighty good blogger!