
Friday, August 22, 2008

New Teefas

Yesterday I spent two hours in the dentist's chair while he ground down my SIX front teeth...canine to canine inclusive.

I felt like I had been in a back alley mugging after it was all finished.

I am currently sporting a plastic grill until the permanent crowns can be made. I can't take a bite of anything because the plastic thingy with break. I tried eating a ripe banana last night and ended up having to cut it into bite-sized pieces. I gnawed at each piece with the back molars but my back molars don't touch now so even that was tricky business.

I wish I could say that I was getting all new front teeth simply for vanity, but alas, that is not the case. If it was I would have no room to bitch. My front teeth were paper thin and chipping away at an alarming rate due to a weird jaw dysfunction. If I hadn't taken this step now, I would have been forced to in a couple of years when my tooth(s) finally broke away at the gum line. Ugh.

The plastic grill is REALLY bothering me. I've had many removable plastic dental contraptions over the years (retainers, splints, trays, etc.) and this feels just like one of those. I have to be careful because I might absentmindedly reach up and try pop it out. If I did I would have six raw toothy nerves exposed to the air. EEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!! That makes me cringe just thinking about it.

I am stuck with my plastic smile for two weeks. No biting and very careful chewing for that time.

I feel like an old lady with no teefas on a soft mushy diet.

Where's my walker?


Br. Jonathan said...

I'm on my way over with tapioca puddin'

LostInColor said...

oh ouch. That sounds awful. I have a really bad gage reflex, I don't think I could handle it. I have to sleep w/ a night guard in my mouth, and that was miserable to get used to. Having the mold for it made was horrible. Are you allowed to drink through a straw?

sageweb said...

WOw is the plastic grill decorated with bling? I think that is so fancy. Well I hope you find comfort in soup and random milkshakes, like a peanut butter banana shake, protein and potasium.

Speck said...

Buck - Bring some Geritol too. I'm feelin' rillyrilly old.

Lost - I tried a straw and kept poking myself in the nose. No kidding. I have no hand to mouth coordination.

Sage - I tried to get them to give me a grill with crystals that spelled out SWEETY but they wouldn't go for it.

The day before I get my permanent crowns I'm gonna mark up the plastic teeth with Sharpies. (big 'ol evil smirk)

BITEME would fit. Will have to ponder more on appropriate evilness.

Miss Healthypants said...

That does not sound fun!

I spent half a summer in tooth pain, eating soft foods. Yogurt, applesauce, jello, sometimes soft fruit. I actually lost weight, so that was a plus! *smiles* But I was glad when I was finally pain-free.