
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

White Bread

OK all you folks who would classify McCain as white bread, this is for you.

I'm sure this is about 44 kinds of politically incorrect, but there it is.

I've had an Oreo fixation on the brain for a few days now, and Hubby gave me Oreos for lunch today along with a PB&J. He's so sweet. So I had to draw me some Oreos. They have a very interesting pattern to them by the way. I've never studied an Oreo in depth before.

Anycookie, when folks started dubbing McCain as white bread, I had to ponder on what easily recognizable food product (that is easy to draw) Obama would be. The only thing I could come up with was a burrito (hot & spicy) but that didn't seem to fit and wouldn't be instantly recognizable. I think my brain is tired.

SAT question for the day:
McCain is to white bread as Obama is to ________________.

So Obama got to be the Oreo 'cuz I already had it drawn. Now that I've drawn it out of my system, I'll take wittier suggestions from the audience. Phone lines are open.

I've been trying some file jiggling techniques where I can get my drawings to come out sharper, cleaner and less pixelated. I think I've got something, but man is it a pain. I liked how the Oreo and bread came out. They're a touch fuzzy here because I saved them as jpegs for quicker downloads, but the bitmap images are FABulous. (Click cartoon to embiggen to see fab details)


Syd said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I came over to check you out and I'm blown away by your talent. Your willingness to be non-politically correct is a bonus. Nice work!

LostInColor said...

ummm ummm. McCain is to white bread as Obama is to... a muffin? a bagel? a pop tart? ok I'll keep thinkin...

sageweb said...

I love the new drawing. Mcpain is to white bread as Obama is to champagne.

Miss Healthypants said...

I like the Obama oreo. *smiles*

Chickie said...

Ha! Love it!